Counterfeit goods destruction


Counterfeit products are imitations of branded items, produced without the authorization of the copyright holder or registered trademark owner. These items are designed to look identical or very similar to genuine products but are often of inferior quality and sold at significantly lower prices than the originals.

Counterfeiting has significant negative impacts, including financial losses for original manufacturers, safety and health risks for consumers, and harm to the economy through illegal activity that bypasses taxes and regulations. Additionally, the sale of counterfeit goods often funds other forms of organized crime.

Removal of non-salable inventory from accounting records

Expenses incurred for removing degraded goods from accounting records are tax-deductible when calculating corporate income tax.

VAT adjustment for non-salable inventory

According to current legislation, services paid to a recycling company for the destruction of goods are fiscally deductible.

Integrated waste management

We offer comprehensive and specialized solutions for the collection, disposal, and destruction of expired, damaged, counterfeit, confiscated, non-compliant, or specially regulated products.

Collection of electrical and electronic equipment

We provide integrated solutions for the efficient management of household and electronic waste, ensuring specific treatment for each category.

Discover the financial benefits of managing non-salable inventory